Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Bean Trees

Since I have a stack of books to read, I've been pulling them out at random, or more specifically whatever suits my fancy at the time. The Bean Trees is a shorter book than the ones I've been reading lately, so I decided to take it with me on my quick trip to Boise. It was a great book. I actually enjoyed this book more than any of the other books Barbara Kingsolver has written. Well, maybe I enjoyed the resolution of the ending more.
It deals with some issues hard to read about, and then hard to think about, topics, but she presents the material in such a way that you don't have to dwell on the horrible things that happen. I liked it a lot and I would recommend this book as a quick and entertaining read.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Red Tent

I'm in love with this book. I mean, I'm in love with this book. It's so wonderful. If you haven't read this book, you must do it as soon as possible.

It is based on the story of Jacob, in the bible. But this time, it's not about the man. It's about the women. And, in my opinion, it is usually the story about the women that is much more entertaining. His only daughter Dinah is the narrator and from the introduction I was more than hooked, I was enthralled.

I have to admit that the women all sharing one husband seems at first to be such a horrible position for the women, while reading this book I feel like the relationships between the whole family was more important than the relationship between the couple.

I was enlightened to the fact that my life as a woman is touched just as much by my female relationships as it is with my husband. If I had "sister wives", Sarah would be the one who could sing all the songs, play all the games, and organize all the functions. Lisa would be the one who would keep us all in line, take care of the ones who needed taking care of and figuring out new solutions to all the problems.  As for me? We'd all be happiest if I was the wife who took over the cleaning, and organizing of our living conditions. I'd be the one who took care of the babies. Or at least that was my vision of how a life with one husband and many wives would look like.

And the Red Tent. Oh the Red Tent. How wonderful would life be if we were able to stop everything and sit back and relax in the quite for 3 days out of every month. It sounded so idealistic, but nice.

This is one woman's idea of what may have happened during Dinah's lifetime. I loved it.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

The No. 1 Ladies's Detective Agency

I have always enjoyed a good mystery. Before I become a literature snob, I use to be so excited waiting for the next Kinsey Malone (Sue Grafton), Alex Cross (James Patterson) mystery. Now I find more enjoyment with books that may not be quite as suspenseful, but leave me feeling like I may be a better person for reading them.

Thanks to Stephanie, I found a nice mix of both. Alexander McCall Smith has written a series of books about a woman who decides to become a detective in Botswana. Mma Ramotswe's adventures are not only entertaining but even a little insightful.

I loved the resolution for the man who comes in wondering what his wife really does all day, and who is really paying for his son's education. I love the stories of people who live a simpler life and yet still need help resolving those ever present mysteries in their lives. I love reading about the lives of people living in Africa.
These are great books and I would recommend them for anyone that loves books about women detectives.
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