Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Bean Trees

Since I have a stack of books to read, I've been pulling them out at random, or more specifically whatever suits my fancy at the time. The Bean Trees is a shorter book than the ones I've been reading lately, so I decided to take it with me on my quick trip to Boise. It was a great book. I actually enjoyed this book more than any of the other books Barbara Kingsolver has written. Well, maybe I enjoyed the resolution of the ending more.
It deals with some issues hard to read about, and then hard to think about, topics, but she presents the material in such a way that you don't have to dwell on the horrible things that happen. I liked it a lot and I would recommend this book as a quick and entertaining read.


Unknown said...

You'll get me into reading yet! I will definitely read it again!

LizzyG said...

Meghan (if you read this),
I wasn't much of a reader until I had a baby. Breastfeeding will turn any woman into a reader, just as long as you keep the TV off! But seriously, you will be nursing for about 1/2 hour every two or three hours. What better time to crack open a book?

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