Thursday, January 9, 2014

Valentine's Day Cards

Making Valentine's Day Cards

One year I decided we'd make homemade Valentine's day cards.  

So much more special and then it makes it less about a commercial holiday, and more about time I spend with my children, the thought put into a gift given to their friends and my ability to get to cut and paste something fun!

Sawyer made all the girls bracelets, and I told her I would make the boys.  She only has 17 children in her class, 6 girls and 11 boys, and I wanted her to enjoy the process so I agreed to take on the boys (plus I could finish 2 in the time it took her to do one).  

On Pinterest I found a cute cards I could print off and use, here for the Friendship Braceletes and here for the Stick 'em Up cards.
Reed's ended up being a lot of cutting and pasting, and the little pasting I let him help with, he was a pro.  Reed took guns to school with a piece of gum that said, "This is a stick up!"  Afterwards I am not sure if guns were the right thing to make, but it was cute and Reed's teacher liked them!

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