Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I finally finished

I just finished Love in the Time of Cholera, and I've never been happier to be done with a book. Isn't that horrible to say about a book that is suppose to be so amazing? A love story....not really. By the end I think it all came together, but it was a hard read. Long sentences, long paragraphs, long chapters. I sound uneducated, but it's difficult to read sometimes without a rest to absorb what you're reading.

One line I really enjoyed reading and do believe there is a lot of truth to it.

"But in her loneliness in the palace
she learned to know him,
they learned to know each other,
and she discovered with great delight
that one does not love one's children
just because they are one's children
but because of the friendship formed
while raising them."

(This also gives you an idea of how long the sentences are. I just made it look pretty for the blog.)

And since this was a love story, I do have to say there were a number of parts that talked about the realities of love, loving someone, and learning to love without perfection that I really enjoyed.

I cannot recommend this book to anyone that doesn't just LOVE reading. It took me over 2 weeks to read this book of less than 350 pages (usually I read 2 books a week). I didn't enjoy reading it as much as I think I should have, and am glad I'm done.
***Sorry for sharing it Stephanie...maybe you'll like it better than I did!***

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