Monday, July 25, 2011

Ready to Run

I am so excited.  I actually was able to run 5 miles of hills doing 7:30 minute miles.  It was fabulous and  exhausting all at the same time.  I really am hoping that I'm going to look back at this post in 6 months and be embarrassed that I was willing to post this mileage at this time...but right now I am so happy to be running so hard!  It's difficult to really gauge workouts when you are stuck on a treadmill, or forced to run with a jogging stroller.  This run I did all by myself and it really wasn't that bad.  I say that because it took me about 20 minutes to work myself up to doing it.  I am so use to running with Scott or the kids, I just didn't know if I really wanted to run 40 minutes all by myself.  I actually listened to music, which I think helped for some of it, but was very distracting when I lost one earpiece halfway through my run and had to juggle it back around into my ear.
We've been talking about running a half marathon, just to say we did it.  I'm worried about running 13 miles because of my knee and because I really have a hard time pacing myself.  Scott helps keep me on a good pace, even though he ran 4 miles at 7:30 on the treadmill last week.  We are going to get a babysitter and go for a 10 mile run next week.  I figure we'll try to run it around 8:30 minute miles, but I don't know if either of us are going to make the whole 10 miles.  Running for 40 minutes seems like forever...not sure how it's going to feel to run for an hour and a half.

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