Sunday, July 3, 2011

Light and Funny Reading

Love Tina Fey, and was so excited to read the new book that she put out.  I was definitely not disappointed in it.  She is so funny and really does act more like a real person than a movie star.  As a comedian, she seems so relaxed and calm, and it was funny to see all that goes into making her appear that way.  Fey is down to earth and talks about things like motherhood/coworkers/men in a way that you can completely relate to and also laugh out loud at.  I'm one who works hard at taking a difficult situation and finding a way to make it better, and I love it when a comedian takes that same situation and embraces it for what it is and turns it into something funny.  I admire women, even if it's just a book and possibly all made up, that turn things around by laughing at themselves and what happened.  Life is so complicated and busy, it's great to read a funny book about someone else's complicated and busy life.  Very fast, fun read and I really enjoyed it.

Read these two backwards (in the wrong order) but I still liked them.  Emily Giffin puts out some great books.  She is very light, but she writes in a way that's easy to get sucked into.  I know I've read one of her earlier books...something about When Harry Met Sally was mentioned right away in the book, and whatever context it was written in, I really enjoyed.  Anyway, the order of these two should be Something Borrowed and then Something Blue (which of course makes senses later) but they were very good stories about two very different friends and how life really did not seem to be going so well for either one, and then really worked out in the end.  I am going to put her next couple of books on my list for reading when I need a break from the heavier reading.
I seem to be very good at getting into a "rut" with books and then having to dig myself back out.  I've been reading heavy novels and then I read a comedy and two very light books.  I really need to work on my balance of reading...ideally, first something dark and mysterious, something funny, something deep and then something light.  I've read these last few books so fast that I felt the need to jump right back into my heavy reading, so I didn't lose my mind in simple, uncomplicated, very little thought involved novels.  Not that I don't enjoy it occasionally, and need it when I've read a big, thick (how would I know anymore if a book is literally thick, since I read everything on my iPad), complicated novel, but I worry that I'll lose my status as the nerdy, smart chick if I read too much of them.

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