Monday, November 3, 2008

Reading with Reed

I have been reading a lot. Not because I have so much extra time on my hands. A newborn is a lot more work than I remember. But since I spend 30 minutes every 3 hours nursing, I have had a lot of time to catch up on my reading. During the day, with Sawyer and Scott around, I'm usually talking with them...but in the evenings it just me, Reed and my books.

I started off reading Duma Key by Stephen King. It was, as all great Stephen King novels, wonderful. I was freaked out by some of it, but the storyline made it worth the read. I was torn some feedings, in the middle of the night, if I really wanted to read about any more scary paintings, but lucky for me I was already sleep deprived so if there were nightmares, I slept through them. Duma Key gives you just the right amount of drama and suspense with just a little of the unbelievable mixed in. I really enjoyed this book.

Then I started the Twilight saga by Stephanie Meyer. Thanks to Sarah, I could enjoy reading all 4 books, one right after the other. I can see why everyone loves this series and why it's been made into a movie. Who doesn't love a good love story, where the two lovers can't seem to be together. The first book and the last book were my favorites. In the middle of the night, I despised the fact that during some feedings, all I had been able to read about was a recap of the last book, and sometimes the story did drag but overall I this was a fabulous series. They were very easy reads, and I enjoyed the suspense along with the drama. Things I assumed might happen, didn't, twists in the story caught me off guard. I can't wait for the movie!

And finally, during the last 6 weeks, I've also read a comedy. Lamb by Christopher Moore. This book is hilarious. Especially for someone who grew up Catholic. I love Biff and his crazy adventures with Josh aka Jesus during the 30 years he was alive. It takes a very different and entertaining view of what happened in the years between Jesus being born and Jesus being a prophet. I highly recommend this book. I can't wait to read all of Moore's other books.


Unknown said...

You'd be so proud of me Rachel, I've read 3 whole books since Diego was born and I'm half way through my 4th. I'm trying to limit my tv and internet use, but its not working all that well right now. :) I read one of the fun mysteries you gave me in my basket, then I read Nicholas Sparks' Nights in Rodanthe, Sandra Dallas' Tallgrass and I'm working on The Kite Runner. I"m glad to hear you liked the twilight series, maybe Sarah will let me borrow the books too??

Sarah Reynolds said...

As long as they are in Salem, go for it Meghan!!
I couldn't agree more about the middle books, especially the third. But, maybe it was because it was from Jacob's perspective. Anyway, thanks for the recommendation of Lamb...will have to read it!

Sarah Reynolds said...

You know we are seeing the movie with mom when you are in town, right?

Rachel said...

I didn't know...but that sounds great!

Erica said...

Olivia is reading Twlight...and she is hooked!! which is a great she is now falling in love with reading...she read the first book in 3 days!! But she said she heard they "do it" in like the 3rd of 4th think it is okay for her to read? I have a problem with her reading something I haven't read...

Rachel said...

Erica, It's the 3rd book and it's more implied than explicit. But you might want to just read the beginning of the 3rd book. I think most of what they say might be too subtle and go over her head. I will go look at the 4th and see if it gets worse or still subtle.

Erica said...

Okay...she is getting the 3rd and 4th books for Christmas - so I will have to do that. thanks for letting me know...

MelMel said...

Hi, just saw your blog....can't rememeber where!
I love Twilight, I've read all 4 books and I'm thinking I may have to read them again....great story!
Do you watch the Vampire Diarys.....thats good too!x

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