Monday, November 19, 2007

Personal Legends

While on vacation in Boise, Sarah gave me The Alchemist to read. She had checked it out from the library and told me it was a quick read. I started it at the cabin and wasn't able to get too far into it. But once I got back to the townhouse, I was enraptured. It is a story about a boy's search for his Personal Legend, and I was so inspired by the time I finished the book, I realized that there are more things I can do with my life. I am looking for a book club in town that would be a good fit for me. I'm a quick reader, and I want to join a club where people will read the book and be able to finish it fairly quickly. I've been disappointed in the past, but I am excited to do this. Reading is a passion of mine, and I want to develop it. The second inspiration was to expand my business. I'm happy and content with how busy I am, but I know I could be doing more and I think I would truly be happier if I was out training more than a few times a month. It is a book I will search my Used Bookstore for, and it will be one that I will read at least every other year...for inspiration to keep living life to it's fullest.

Once home, I was able to start The Thirteenth Tale. This was said to be a ghost story but turned out to be so much more. A story about families. A story about siblings. A story about sisters. A story about women trying to find themselves...their lost selves! Such an amazing book. Such a wonderful twist.

The women in my family are starting a book share, where we will each pick out a book to pass around and share with each other....then to discuss when we've all read it. Sarah and I felt like we might be well on our way by sharing one of my favorite Amy Tan novels, The Hundred Secret Senses...but my grandmother wasn't as I'm looking for a different flavor, for her sake. I believe The Thirteenth Tale might just be that book.


Sarah Reynolds said...

The one part of The Alchemist that I walked away with is that you will always return to the place you belong-to the place you most feel at home. That is the most promising part of searching for your personal legend. I also was very moved by the awareness of omens and intuition. To listen to the things others may not notice or hear.
I LOVE THIS BOOK!!!! I truly felt it is interpreted uniquely by any who read it.

Rachel said...

I whole-heartedly agree with what you said!
Two things to add. I enjoyed the fact that once he returned and questioned why he left, he was asked to appreciate seeing great things. I think it tells us that sometimes we need to take great adventures in order to experience and enjoy other things in life. Also that YOU must listen to what others may be noticing or hearing that you are not!!!

Sarah Reynolds said...

How did you interpret when the woman in the oasis told him that her view of the oasis and the desert had changed? That the desert was now the place her love was and the oasis not as beautiful...or something like that? I saw it as never become complacent in your life, allow the experiences to shift your views and beliefs into what your legend has lead it to. Does that make sense? What may be your "oasis" now, may not be in 2 depends on how your life has developed...

Rachel said...

I agree. I thought she was that part of us that is content with how life is. But her point was to be content with even those unexpected things life presents us. Be able to see out of new eyes, with each new and changing experience. Be willing to be more than just the same thing every day.
Don't you think the whole point of her place in the book was to show (the previous points) and to show that sometimes the things we want, take a long time to get to us, but we need to keep them in our hearts?

Unknown said...

You know me, I'm NO reader...but I've read and own the alchemist...can you believe it? I will have to read it again and maybe get the same inspiration out of it that you and Sarah have. You both are FAR more educated than I, so reading and discussing books is just out of the question for me...but I was so thrilled to see that finally I had read a book you had! (I just don't remember anything about it!!)

Rachel said...

Oh yes...Sarah and I have discussed how uneducated you are and how we can definately not include you in any book discussions....WHATEVER!!!! Neither one of us owns the book, Miss SmartyPants. Once you are home, and it again and then we'll discuss!!!
And thanks for loaning me The Bean Tree...can't wait to start it!

Kelli said...

I'm with Meghan on the I'm no reader comment and I don't own the book :) I just wanted to leave a comment about how driven you are and how I so wish I could have just and ounce of it :) That's all, just and ounce. Can you transfuse/transplant (whatever type of procedure it might be) that small amount this direction? I'd very much appreciate it :)

Stephanie said...

Well, I will have to read The Alchemist with such high recommendations. I think I'll save Love in the time of Cholera for when I have a long period of time to just plug through it :)

I was going to mention to you last night...are you busy Tuesday nights? If you aren't you should come to the library for their Family Bedtime Storytime at 7 pm. We go every week and LOVE it. Plus, it would be so cool to see you!

Rachel said...

Sawyer and I will definately mark it on our calendar for this next Tuesday! Do the kids wear jammies or regular clothes?

Stephanie said...

Sydney always wears her jammies, but lots of kids wear regular clothes too. Oh! I'm so looking forward to seeing you again Tuesday. I really hope you can make it!

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