Monday, January 13, 2014

What Made Me Want to Juice

We watched the movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and we both decided that maybe juicing is worth taking a look at.  Not really for weight loss, but for the obvious health benefits you can get from just ingesting all your vitamins in one shot.
Looking at different juices at the store, it was obvious that you could spend a small fortune buying bottles of pre-made juice or just spend the money to buy your own juicer.  So we went with a juicer.  We also bought a new heavy duty blender, but more on that at another time.
I searched and searched for the recipe of what the guys were drinking on the movie and I finally found it here at  This was the first juice I made and I have to say, it doesn't taste too bad.  I have always substituted kale leaves with cups of kale mix, mainly because I have a hard time finding kale leaves.

Mean Green Juice
3 cups mixed kale greens
1 cucumber
4 stalks of celery
2 green apples
1/2 lemon
1 piece of ginger

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