Saturday, January 18, 2014

Cleaning Le Creuset Pans Safely

I love my Le Creuset pans.  Love love love them.  They are my most favorite things to cook with, but I continue to stain the inside of them.
My children request crepes every day for breakfast.  They get there way at least 4 times a week, so this pan gets used a lot.  I don't always have the time in the morning to clean it before we are out the door.  That is my excuse why it looks this bad.
Going online tells you all kinds of chemicals you can buy to clean your pots, but that really bothers me.  Why would I clean my pots with something harmful that is possibly going to be ingested by my children.  So I researched safe ways.  Someone suggested bleach.  UGH!
Luckily I read that baking soda paste can work.  
So, I just dumped some baking soda into my pan, added enough water to make a paste and then scrubbed with one of the many toothbrushes we have saved from the dentist office (we use electric).
It does take a little elbow grease but in less than 10 minutes, my pan went from a mess to beautiful.  And I'm totally fine with my children ingesting baking soda.

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