Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Secrets to Being Your Perfect Weight

I love reading about nutritional research, fitness research and how to stay healthy.   It fun, finding new sites and resources that help you live a healthy life.  I recently stumbled upon a site that said this was the diet that works best...and I laughed reading it, because unfortunately, it is so true!

Eat 1500 Calories a Day

Example Schedule:
Breakfast: Eat 400 calories (When you wake up)
Lunch: Eat 500 calories (During your lunch break)
Dinner: Eat 600 calories (At least 3 hours before bedtime)

Results: About 1 lb per week...or about 50 lbs per year
What do you do if you eat more than this each day?
Exercise. Get on the treadmill and work off the extra calories.
And remember...if this were easy, there wouldn't be so many fake diets out there.

Sometimes it is so hard to not overeat.  Especially when you vacation, or go to events or even just going out to eat.  But it's not those times that matter.  I've actually read on a health website and found from personal experience, that sometimes when you are at an ideal weight, it is okay to indulge and have blue cheese dressing on a salad instead of a vinaigrette or having some sour cream on a burrito, because when you don't add some extra calories at least once a week, you will stop burning calories at a higher rate.
There are 4 things that I have found that have made the biggest impact in my goals to being healthy and staying at my perfect weight.  (Perfect weight being when what I see in the mirror and what I see on the scale both make me happy...lol). 

1.  Be Happy.  I will admit that being happy in life makes it so much easier to not over eat.  I think almost everyone finds that food is a comfort when we are trying to deal with other things.  And because, as a society, we have so much processed and unhealthy food so readily available, people don't over eat raw almonds (a fabulous and healthy snack) or broccoli but over eat processed crackers, cookies, etc.  Life is not perfect, but it's your attitude that makes all the difference.  Being around other people who are happy with life also makes such a big difference. 

2.  Exercise.  When I started getting back into working out a minimum of 5 days a week, I really looked forward to going to the gym and had so much fun catching up on my reading while I worked out.  I enjoyed the elliptical, the stair climber and the stationary bike.  It only took me about a month to realize that even though I was exercising, I was not really pushing myself.  I started pushing myself in Group Ride and found that my muscle tone in my legs became even more defined.  I started running hard on the treadmill and found that not only did my endorphins start flowing but I felt amazing (and happy) when I was done. 

3.  Get rid of processed foods, trans fats and white flour and watch the weight disappear.  Again, just like the diet listed above, this is not easy, but it works.  Our body's are not designed to know how to process these foods, so they store them.  Really not excited to think that my body wants to hold onto that cookie I decided to eat.

4.  AGELESS!  Univera is one of the greatest companies I have found.  I started taking Ageless, now called Xperia about 6 years ago and I love it.  It keeps me healthy, it keeps me young and it keeps me from overeating.  The first time I was given Ageless, I had a horrible cold and was losing my voice.  I took one ounce before my class started, and by the end of the class, I felt amazing.  It has made all the difference for both Scott and I in staying healthy and both of us staying happy and fit.  It replaces drinking coffee and it replaces feelings of hunger.  Could not ask for a better product. 

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