Friday, June 17, 2011

Running Partners

My most favorite running partner  is my husband.  Lately we've only been able to run together when there are 2 treadmills open that are next to each other.  In fact, last week we ran 5 miles right next to each other, on the treadmill at the gym, but we both had headphones on and didn't talk until we were done.  That was so crazy, because usually we have some great conversations while running.  I don't like to listen to music when I'm running outside, Scott does but only when he runs alone.
When we first started running together, 16 years ago, I was by far the better runner.  Scott actually said it annoyed him because I'd keep running ahead of him or would keep the pace too fast for him to actually talk and run.  He had to be able to run a mile and a half in 12 minutes, which I still think is way too slow for men, but in order to train, I told him we needed to run 3 miles at 8 minute pace, so he knew he could do it no matter what.  Ever since then, I don't think Scott has ever run less than 3 miles.
Yesterday we had no children with us, and Scott thought we should go for a hill run outside.  It was fabulous, and the 5 miles just flew by.  I really miss being able to run outside together...and since my mother in law loves having the kids in them mornings, it looks like we will be able to do that a lot more this summer!  In fact,  even when we have the kids, we decided we will take them with us...we just can't do hill workouts with one child in a jogger and one on a bike.
Having my husband as a running partner has been one of the greatest gifts.  

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