Friday, May 13, 2011

Finding Happiness in the Small Stuff

I set a goal for myself of 5 miles at a 6 minute pace.  I am no where near hitting that goal.  I am so far away from that goal, that I had to start setting smaller the hopes that the far away future...I'll be able to run 6 minute miles.  I have doubts that this goal is attainable.  I have doubts that this was even a reasonable request to ask of my 36 year old body.  I have not give up my original goal...but  I am finding happiness in being able to meet my smaller goals.

Goal 1 - Run 5 miles at an 8 minute pace.
Goal 2 - Run 3 miles at a 7 minute pace.
Goal 3 - Run 1 mile at a 6 minute pace.
Goal 4 - Get to level 14 at Group Ride.

Goal 1 ~ Today I finally was willing to run on the treadmill for 40 minutes.  It seems like an eternity, being stuck indoors, running in place, but I did it.  I would love to put Reed in the jogging stroller and run with him, but he's so happy going to the gym, and I'd rather run when Scott can push him.  My IT band started hurting 4 1/2 miles in...but I knew I could run with the pain for another 1/2 a mile.  I felt great when I finished and am hoping my IT band will be willing and able to work with me doing this again next week.

Goal 2 ~ I also accomplished 7 minute miles for 3 miles this week.  This was not as much fun as running 5 miles at 8 minute fact I was gagging for the last 1/2 mile.  I was so happy to be off the treadmill at the end, that I kind of thought about laying flat on the floor and resting.  My body was working hard and was ready to be done.  My abs are rocking now...but it was hard work to get there. 
In fact, running as much as I have been, I've been enjoying the benefits of burning calories faster than I can intake them!  I even ate a piece of Konditori cake this week.  It took my 3 days, and it's my first sugar I've had since the beginning of Lent, but I needed to eat extra calories and that sounded like the most fabulous choice.

Goal 3 ~ I keep meaning to get to the gym early enough on a Tuesday or a Thursday to get one mile in before Group Ride...but I have yet to get that done!  I realize that 6 minutes is not that much time to schedule in, so I am pretty sure I'm still scared to do an actually 6 minute mile.

Goal 4 ~  This one is kind of a hit and a miss.  I did get to Level 14 and I did maintain it and I did keep going back to it...but that was the first 20 minutes of class...and after that, I just couldn't recover enough to get that high again.
I was pretty disappointed since I've slowly been working my way up the levels of the bike at Group Ride.  I didn't understand why going from Level 12 to Level 14 was such a staggering difference.  I asked the instructor what he thought and he asked me how much I weighed.  Since working out so hard has kept me below 110 pounds right now, I was not the least embarrassed to tell him.  And then he pretty much said he was impressed I was even able to move the pedals at Level 14.  According to him, I don't weigh enough and to keep working at it, but not to be discouraged.  So there was a little compliment and then a bigger challenge all in one.  Since I'm really getting into Group Ride...and almost to the point of being willing to buy the $80 shoes to wear during it...I'm accepting the challenge!

Two small goals down...two more to go.  And I'm still waiting to decide what my next running speed goals will be.  In fact today, I'm just hoping my knee lets me walk on it tomorrow.

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