Saturday, April 2, 2011

The dreaded ITBS

Trainer Joe is my most favorite person right now! When I went to ask him what he thought my training should look like to run faster for longer, he gave me some good ideas but then we stumbled upon the bane of my running existence. My iliotibial band. I damaged it in high school and it loves to flare up when I push myself too hard. It tightens up and won't let loose. It hurts so much that sometimes it's hard to walk up my stairs.

All those problems may be gone, or at least I'm hoping they are gone. Joe showed me a stretching device that works on your IT band! It's amazing and when I ran my 3 miles at 7:30 minute pace I had no pain! Now that I've been stretching my IT band, I have no more excuses for slacking off. Scott just did 6 miles at an 8 minute pace, and so I need to get in better shape fast or I may never keep up with him when we run outside this summer!

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