Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Bunny Cake

This year Sawyer took the cake decorating very seriously....Reed took the tasting of frosting, cake and candy very seriously.

Sawyer has become quite the expert in cake decorating.  Reed is good at breaking cake while trying to push the frosting on it.

The ears are tricky, because it's frosting cut cake...but I assured Sawyer it didn't need to be perfect since it will be covered with coconut.  After that she was a little messier with her frosting of the cake...Reed stayed consistently messy.

Sawyer carefully sprinkled the cake with coconut...making sure not to put too much on any one spot.
Reed figured out that you could just dump out your bowl onto the cake and Mommy will fill it back up again.

Sawyer was forced to compromise her ear decorating when Reed forced the red coconut flat into the ears.

Sawyer tried to fluff it back up...while Reed tried to smooch even more red coconut on.

Sawyer took the face decorating seriously, while Reed took the trying every color of Dot very seriously.

Sawyer is so proud of her work, while Reed is so disappointed that there is no more candy to eat.
Happy Easter!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The dreaded ITBS

Trainer Joe is my most favorite person right now! When I went to ask him what he thought my training should look like to run faster for longer, he gave me some good ideas but then we stumbled upon the bane of my running existence. My iliotibial band. I damaged it in high school and it loves to flare up when I push myself too hard. It tightens up and won't let loose. It hurts so much that sometimes it's hard to walk up my stairs.

All those problems may be gone, or at least I'm hoping they are gone. Joe showed me a stretching device that works on your IT band! It's amazing and when I ran my 3 miles at 7:30 minute pace I had no pain! Now that I've been stretching my IT band, I have no more excuses for slacking off. Scott just did 6 miles at an 8 minute pace, and so I need to get in better shape fast or I may never keep up with him when we run outside this summer!

Reading on the iPad

Happiness is finally reading books again on a full page.  I have been reading on my iPhone for a year now, and I have enjoyed how easy it is to get books and read them whenever and wherever I want, but until I started reading them on my iPad, I had no idea how much harder it really is to read on your iPhone.  It's nice but not nice at the same time.  The iPad is fabulous and I was even able read in the I didn't have a problem with glare.
On the Divinity of Second Chances was a pretty good book.  It was about a dysfunctional family where each person was able to come to terms with what was causing them issues and deal with it in the way that worked best for themselves.  This is so important, something that I've really come to terms with myself.  It's hard to change your attitude about things when you've been stuck in a rut for so long.  Once you do make the decision to make the best of what you have and go forward, you really can see amazing things happen.  For me, when I decided to change my outlook, my business not only picked up, but is so busy that I have had to bring on instructors that I didn't think I would need.  My relationship with my husband and kids has always been good, but when I started making time to be with people who I didn't see since I went thru my post partum, I realized that I had neglected a whole part of my life that was just waiting for me to come back and welcomed me with open arms.   For me, just like most people, when I'm depressed I gain weight, but once I made the decision to take care of myself that changed.  I started working out 5 days a week, and not only saw my weight drop down to my ideal and my body fat get down in the teens again, but I love love love it!  I am good at running, and I enjoy it and the endorphins that I get from it just makes it so much better.
 I think one of the most important parts of this book had to do with accepting people for who they are and accepting them into your life in the capacity that you are both happy with.  The husband and wife thought their marriage was over.  They had no relationship at all with their son.  One of their daughters was not living up to her full potiential.  Everything seemed to be irreconcilable. And yet it wasn't.  They didn't know if they were really ready to give each other a second chance.  But once someone takes a firm grip on taking care of themselves, it seemed that the other issues just worked themselves out.  They were all willing to see that life was not going to be the same but they needed to accept that if it was going to work, they had to let it be what it was going to be.   Life changes, and even though you are ready for things to be different, sometimes it doesn't always work out the way that you plan.  I think the books shows that you need to do a good job of accepting people for who they are, and be happy to have them in your life, in a way that works best for everyone.  So many positives can come from just accepting change and giving people a second chance.  I've found this to be so true and have found that I am so much happier just accepting people for who they are and not expecting anything more from them.  Actually that includes everyone but my husband and children.  From them I expect only their best.  I do believe that from them, I would be doing them a disservice to not help them live life to the fullest, and that includes trying their best in everything that they do.

The Colorado Kid was not a typical Stephen King novel.  It was good, and entertaining but did not keep me up all night, scared to death and needing to know how it ends so I don't have to keep one eye open while I try to sleep.  It's very mellow and very calm and much  more of a mystery than anything else.  I liked it, and it was a nice easy read.  And it's given me a taste for King, which means I'm going to have to research and find one of his scary books I haven't read yet!
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