Monday, October 8, 2007

8 Random Things

8 Randoms Things About Me

1. My grandmother, father and I all have the same hands.
2. I sat next to Demi Moore and her toddler Rumer at a Clogging Festival in Idaho.
3. I won the State Title in the 800 meter dash, in high school.
4. My hair was straight, until I turned 13, got a perm...and I've had curly hair ever since (natural, I've never had another perm)
5. My sister teaches school (like my mom), my brother saves lives as a firefighter (like my dad), and I bring it all together by owning a company where I teach people how to save lives.
6. I've seen "When Harry Met Sally" over 30 times.
7. By age 14 I had hunted and killed 2 deer.
8. By age 18 I was a full fledged vegetarian (and stayed that way for almost 8 years).

If you read all my random things, you've been tagged....and now you have to either reply with your 8 or post them on your blog!!! Have fun.


Sarah Reynolds said...

1. I recieved my masters in technology, but can't fix a computer
2. My children share names with the Peanuts
3. I met my husband 2 years before we married...same summere school class...didn't know until much later
4. I drive least 4 in my lifetime
5. Had the first major surgery of all of my siblings when I was 22. (ACL-torn up skiing on a first date-had that date worked out, may never have met Trent, had Lucy or Charlie, etc.
6. Allergic to pregnancy
7. My eyes match my hair
8. I live in 890 square feet with three other people and can not imagine doing it any differently

Rachel said...

Sarah, You are the best! I love your 8!

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