I'm glad to finally be able to say that I've broken the 6 minute per mile mark. I ran this on a Monday and by Wednesday I ran 5:46. I am pretty sure that I have a 5:30 mile in me...just have to mentally prepare for it. The seconds seem to be just falling off of my times.
I ran 4 miles outside at a 6:30 minute pace. I have an app on my iPhone that updates me on my time and pace every mile. So one day when I went to run outside on my own, I was so shocked when my phone said I was running that fast. Never one to back down from a challenge, I had to keep the pace up for 4 miles. My run was suppose to be 6, but I wasn't sure if I would ruin my time by pushing it too much at first.
I am giving my new dedication to Centergy and Yoga all the credit for my marked improvement in my times. I have been happy with the new found flexibility and the fact that we do so many planks that I can do push ups like crazy now. The most beneficial part has definitely been the flexibility in my hips. I am running with a lot less issues and although my IT bands reacts when I run hard ( faster than an 8 minute pace) for anything over 6 miles, it's been getting better and I'm confident that with continue commitment to Centergy it will help alleviate my issues.
My next goal is to run a half marathon at a 7:30 minute pace. Interested to see how long my new goal will take me.